Lesson 7 - Course to Steer
What are Tidal Streams?​
Tidal streams are like invisible rivers in the ocean.
They are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun.
Streams vary in direction and speed, depending on the tide.
Failure to account for tidal streams can push your boat far off course.

​​Example of Tidal Impact:
A 2-knot southward tidal stream carried the boat 1 mile off course in just 30 minutes.
Always account for tidal streams to stay on track.

​​Tidal Stream Data:
To adjust for tidal streams, you need:
Direction: The flow of the stream (e.g., southward).
Speed: Measured in knots (e.g., 2 knots).Use tidal stream charts to find this information for your location.​
Steps to Calculate Course to Steer (CTS):
Draw your intended track on the chart.
Add a vector for the tidal stream (direction + speed).
Draw an arc from the tidal vector’s endpoint to intersect the track.
Connect your starting point to the intersection: This is your CTS.

​​For multi-hour trips:
Account for changing tidal streams every hour.
Plot vectors sequentially to create a comprehensive navigation plan.
Keep measurements consistent to ensure accuracy.
What is Leeway?
Definition: Sideways drift caused by wind pressure on your sails and hull.
Influenced by:
Wind strength.
Boat design.
Sail trim.
Leeway pushes your boat off course, requiring adjustments.
How to Correct for Leeway:
On a starboard tack, subtract the leeway angle from your heading.
On a port tack, add the leeway angle to your heading.
Heading: 270°
Leeway: 10° on starboard tack
Corrected course: 260° (270 - 10)

​What is Estimated Position
EP = Dead Reckoning (DR) + Corrections
Start with:
DR: Based on course steered and distance traveled.
Add corrections for:
Tidal streams.
Surface drift caused by wind.​​​​

​How to Plot Estimated Position (EP):
Mark your DR position on the chart.
Add a tidal vector to account for the stream’s movement.
Add a leeway vector, if applicable.
The final position = EP (Estimated Position).

Sources of Navigation Errors:
Compass and steering errors.
Incorrect tidal data.
Misjudged leeway.
Inaccurate speed/distance logs.
Errors grow over time. Cross-check your position regularly.
Tips to Reduce Errors:
Cross-check your EP with GPS or visual bearings.
Use the One in Sixty Rule:
1-degree error = 1 mile off course after 60 miles.
Make regular position checks to avoid compounding inaccuracies.​​​